You can check the ‘rateable value’ of your property - this is set by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and used us calculate your business rates bill.

Check your business rates valuation

You can also:

  • request changes to property or valuation details if you think they’re wrong
  • view the valuation details of other properties
  • challenge the rateable value if eligible

If you need advice or guidance, contact the government's check and challenge service that is designed to help businesses check their rateable value, without having to appeal, on 03000 501 501, or write to:

Check & challenge service, PO Box1827, Shirley, SO15 9HH.
Saving money

Are you claiming everything you are entitled to?

Whether you are a small business, a business operating in the retail, hospitality or leisure industry, or are a charitable organisation, you could be eligible for a reduction in you business rates bill.

Visit our business rates relief section to find out more