Designated premises supervisor

If you intend to use the premises for the sale of alcohol, there must be a person who is designated as the premises supervisor. This person must hold a personal licence.

This person must complete a consent form which you need to include with your premises licence application. 

Removing and/or replacing a designated premises supervisor.

If a designated premises supervisor leaves the premises, or no longer wants to be named as DPS, then an application to vary the DPS must be made immediately.

A new DPS must be nominated at the same time.

You can submit your application/consent form and pay on the government website. A variation costs £23. You will also need to submit:

  • Your current premises licence

Replace a designated premises supervisor

Remove yourself as a designated premises supervisor

If you would like to be removed as the designated premises supervisor at a licensed premises, you need to give formal notice to us and the premises licence holder.

Remove yourself as a designated premises supervisor

Remove the need for a designated premises supervisor

If you are the member of a committee that runs a community hall, instead of a having a designated premises supervisor you can arrange for the committee to take the responsibility for the sale of alcohol at the hall.  

A community premises is a premises that forms a part of:   

  • a church hall, chapel hall or other similar building
  • a village hall, parish hall, community hall or other similar building

A management committee means a committee or board of individuals with responsibility for the management of premises.   

Remove the need for a designated premises supervisor

Only the police can object to an application to disapply the requirement for a DPS on the grounds of crime and disorder. Comments from the police must be made within 28 days of the application being submitted to us.

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