Late TENs

Late TENs are designed to support premises users who are required, for reasons outside their control to, for example, change the venue for an event at short notice.

The latest a late TEN can be applied for is five clear working days before an event. This does not include the day you apply and the day of your event.  

Objections from police or environmental health

A key difference between standard and late TENs is the process following an objection from the police or environmental health

Where an objection is received in relation to a standard TEN, we will hold a hearing to consider the objection, unless all parties agree that a hearing is unnecessary.

If the police, environmental health, or both, give an objection to a late TEN, the notice will not be valid and the event will not go ahead as there is no scope for a hearing or the application of any existing licence conditions.

How to apply

You will have to pay a fee of £21 - make sure you have your debit or credit card handy.

Apply on