Anti-social behaviour (also known as ASB) describes day-to-day incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that can make people’s lives a misery – from vandalism, to public drunkenness or aggressive dogs, to neighbour disputes.
Many anti-social complaints we receive are actually neighbour disputes, which are often misunderstandings or one-off events, and can be easily resolved by just speaking to each other.
If you have a dispute with your neighbour, before making a complaint, we would always encourage you to try to discuss the problem with them if you feel comfortable/safe to do so - find out more.
If you feel you need help and support to do this, the Harmony ASB & mediation service, which is run by Victim Support, can provide advice, support and mediation. Call the team at Harmony on 07960 204366 or email for specialist support and advice.
If you have tried to do this and the problem still persists, or you feel unhappy/unsafe to do so, you can report your issue to us - we have a range of powers to deal with anti-social behaviour - find out more.
Things we can help to address include:
- Neighbour or neighbourhood disputes.
- Anti-social behaviour related to begging or homelessness.
- Anti-social behaviour related to young people and adults.
- A dispute over parking (where no parking offence has been committed).
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