Fradley and Streethay
Consultation response
A number of submissions were received in favour splitting Fradley and Streethay Parish to create two distinct parishes one centred on Fradley, the other on Streethay. An alternative suggestion was to include Streethay as a Ward of Lichfield City Council. No submissions were received in favour of the status quo.
The Parish Council is supportive of creating two distinct parishes.
Final Recommendations
Fradley and Streethay Parish be split into:
- Fradley Parish
- Streethay Parish
That the following governance arrangments be put in place:
- Fradley Parish Council comprising 10 councillors
- Streethay Parish Council comprising 7 councillors
- Fradley and Streethay are geographically separate settlements with their own distinct identities.
- Both settlements have experienced significant growth to date and will continue to experience growth in the future. The population (aged 19+) is forecast to increase from 4,455 in 2022 to 6,932 in 2026.
- The proposal to split the parish to create parishes centred on the two key settlements is consistent with the objective of promoting community cohesion and would be reflective of the individual identities and interests of the two communities. Critically the proposal appears to enjoy local support.
- Recent and continuing growth mean the population can support individual parish councils, satisfying the criteria of effective and convenient governance.
- Including Streethay as a ward of Lichfield City Council was considered as an option, however the existing Parish Council favours separate parishes for each settlement, and we are mindful that Lichfield City is already one of larger Parish Council’s in the country.