Report safeguarding concerns

It is not our role to decide whether a child or adult at risk has been abused - instead we work with our partners at the Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board and Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board who lead on this work.

It is however ours and everyone’s responsibility to ensure that concerns about signs of abuse and neglect that give rise to safeguarding concerns are shared with professional agencies to allow appropriate action to be taken.

If you think someone is being abused or you think their safety is at risk, then it is important to tell someone. Where a crime has been committed or if you're worried about someone's immediate safety, contact the police by dialling 999.

You will be asked about your own details but as a member of the public, you can choose to remain anonymous.

What happens after I report a concern?

Trained staff will carry out a careful and sensitive enquiry in line with locally agreed procedures, including working with other agencies.

Where you have reported a concern about a child or young person, the information will also become part of the child's electronic record.