Older buildings are valuable for what they tell us about the past, no matter how modest they might appear and many are protected by law due to their special architectural or historic interest.

Owners and conservation

As the owner of a historic home you will be faced with the challenges of structural decay and desirable modernisations.

You have an important role to play in looking after your home. Keeping it well maintained is the best way to ensure the building survives in good condition. There are a number of simple steps, such as clearing gutters, stopping leaks or repairing windows that will help keep the building weatherproof and watertight. 

Four essential points for owners

Living in an older building is about using it in a way that meets your needs without compromising its historic character. Always try to make sure that you:

  • Carry out regular maintenance: Small amounts of regular maintenance will keep your home in good condition. This is especially important for historic buildings - find out more on Historic England's website
  • Find out if any extra protection applies: Additional permission may be needed before you carry out any work if your building is listed or in a conservation area - get planning advice from our planning team
  • Understand its importance: This can be anything from the materials used to the design, date or people who lived there previously. Knowing what is significant can guide planned works and inform your management of the building - find out more on Historic England's website
  • Respect its materials and craftsmanship: When planning work, use materials and techniques that are sympathetic to what is already there - find out more on Historic England's website.

More complex repairs and changes

More complex work or larger changes to your home will probably need the advice of a specialist. They will be able to advise you on what sort of proposals would be suitable for your building and what materials would be best to use - find out more on Historic England's website

Due to the traditional materials likely to be used in your home you will also need specialist advice if you are making your home more energy efficient - find out more on Historic England's website