Period products
Period products

Free sanitary items 

If you need tampons or sanitary towels for you or your family, we have a free stock available for anyone to request at:

Just ask one of our reception teams for a Hey Girls pack.

We also have free vends available in the public toilets at:


Free period products are also available in some supermarkets, bars and restaurants. Look out for signs displayed in the building, often in the toilets.

Morrisons have a scheme for anyone to get some free period products – simply ask for ‘Sandy’ at customer services and you’ll get a discreet bag of items.

Many schools offer free pads and tampons through the government’s period product scheme. If your child’s school or college doesn’t already use this service, share the link with them to register.


Local foodbanks often offer free santiary products, but the availability may change depending on donations - find your nearest foodbank.

Useful links

There are several charities that help with period products:

Period poverty charity.

Free periods charity.