2.59% district increase for 2025 - 2026

Whilst local council tax bills have gone up this year, in a move that sets us apart from the majority of councils across the UK, we have chosen to increase the district council element of your bill by 2.59% which is less than the maximum permitted rate of 2.99%.

Whilst you pay your council tax bill to us, we only keep 9% of what you pay to deliver local services, including bin collections, parks, planning, benefits, regeneration, housing and homelessness, environmental health and much more. In 2025/2026 an average household will pay £3.80 a week towards the services we deliver. 

We distribute the rest of what you pay (91%) to other service providers: 

computer, tablet and phone with questionnaire displayed on screens

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Council tax bill with pound coins on top

Your council tax bill - key facts

Find out how to access your e-bill, how to sign-up for an e-bill, how to make a payment, what your instalment plan looks like, or find out how to make an arrangement and more

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