Ladder of liability
Legislation sets out who must pay council tax. Whoever falls highest on the 'ladder of liability' below is the person liable to pay the council tax.
- A person who owns the house they live in (resident freeholder).
- A person who has a lease on the house they live in (resident leaseholder).
- A person who has a 'statutory or secure' tenancy on the house they live in, usually tenants of housing associations (resident with a statutory or secure tenancy).
- A person who has a tenancy agreement with a private landlord on the house they live in (resident with a contractual licence).
- A person who is living in a house with no formal legal right to do so, usually grown up children (resident).
- A person who has a legal right to occupy a property but does not do so (owner).
An owner is a person who has an interest in all or part of the property. An interest can be a freehold interest or a leasehold interest. For example:
- freeholder
- long leaseholders
- housing association tenants
- assured shorthold tenants
A resident is someone 18 years or older who has their sole or main residence at the property.