Overview and scrutiny helps to ensure the decisions the council takes are in the best interest of local people.
Scrutiny (also called overview and scrutiny) is a process through which councillors who are not part of the council’s Cabinet can play an influential role in shaping policy and decisions that will have a real benefit on our community.
The process involves our Overview & Scrutiny Committee monitoring performance, reviewing and evaluating services, questioning decisions and plans, listening to the concerns of local people, and where appropriate making recommendations for action and change.
Overview and scrutiny acts as a ‘critical friend,’ identifying where decisions could be improved and mistakes can be prevented in the future.
Scrutiny is driven by councillors whose insights are a fundamental part of scrutiny’s work to review decisions - view our committee members.
The focus is on forward thinking and enabling positive outcomes, rather than apportioning blame and focusing on the negatives or political point-scoring. Find out more about good scrutiny.
You can ask our Overview & Scrutiny Committee to review topics of interest or concern - find out more.