A sign pointing to the city centre shops, Stowe pool and tourist information, with Lichfield cathedral in the background against a blue sky


View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices. 

Pavement licences

View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices. 

Enforcement notices

View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices. 

Planning application notices

You can the most recently subnitted planning applications in our planning weekly list  or search our planning database where we publish all planning appliations, appeals, enforcement appeals and tree works.

Licensing application notices

View local licence application notices.

Financial information and notices

Every year we publish a statement of accounts and our annual audit letter.

View our statement of accounts and our annual audit letter. 

Public open space disposals

View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices. 

Footpaths and rights of way notices

View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices.

Assets of community value

View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices.

Road closures

View upcoming road closures across the district that are granted by Lichfield District Council. This does not include road closures granted by Staffordshire County Council

Off-street parking places

View current notices - if no notices are listed, there are no current notices.

Changes to Council Tax Discounts and Exemptions

View current notice regarding changes to Council tax discounts and exemptions.