Persistent or malicious complaints

We will always follow our complaints procedure for individual stand-alone complaints, so that any customer can reach out to the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman at the end of the process if they are not satisfied with our response.

We cannot reopen a complaint after a decision has been made by the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman. 

We also can't reopen a complaint that has already been through court/tribunal proceedings, or where a separate appeals process exists.

Persistent complaints

Where a customer continually contacts us about a complaint we have dealt with, we may determine this contact to be unreasonably persistent and not engage in further correspondence.

This is in line with the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman's own procedures.

This is because of the nature or frequency of persistent complaints hinders our ability to support other customers.

Malicious complaints

When handling complaints we suspect to be malicious, we follow a careful and balanced approach.

Initially, we investigate the claims thoroughly to ensure all concerns are given due consideration. If there are indications of bad faith, such as a lack of evidence or inconsistencies, we address the issue professionally while maintaining transparency.

Our goal is to uphold fairness, ensuring that both the complaint and the individuals involved are treated respectfully.

If malicious intent is confirmed, we will take appropriate action such as dismissing the complaint, or involving legal channels if necessary.