Housing evidence base studies assist in the understanding of housing needs in our area.

This includes:

  • Five year housing land supply - the district's current five year housing land supply and gypsy and traveller supply positions are set out within the five year housing land supply paper - view and download evidence.
  • Strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA) - evidence base document which provide information of potential sites for residential development. The inclusion of a site within the assessment does not indicate it will be allocated/obtain permission - view and download evidence.
  • Travellers - evidence base relating to traveller communities - view and download evidence.
  • Strategic housing and growth evidence - find out more.
  • Housing development needs - evidence relating to housing needs within Lichfield District - view and download evidence.
  • Affordable housing - evidence relating to affordable housing including affordable housing viability assessment - view and download evidence.
  • Urban capacity and site selection - the urban capacity assessment provides a detailed assessment of the potential urban capacity within Lichfield District. Site selection documents provide information on this process - view and download evidence.
  • Self build and custom homes - we keep a register of people who are interested in self build or custom build projects in the area - find out more.