
How to report

If you have seen rubbish dumped on the road, pavement, public or private land please let us know.

Report fly-tipping

Please give as much detail as possible about the location, the details of what has been dumped and, if you witnessed it being dumped, any details about a person or vehicle. If it’s safe to do so you could take a photograph of the rubbish and the location.

Fly-tip on public land

If the fly-tip is on roads, pavements or council owned land we will remove the rubbish as soon as possible. This may take a little longer if we need specialist equipment or need to examine rubbish for evidence.

Fly-tip on private land

If the fly-tip is on private land, the land owner is responsible for the removal, however, we will try to identify the landowner and instruct them to remove it.

Where there is evidence to indicate who is responsible for the fly-tip we will always investigate regardless of where the fly-tip is.