Website info

Statistics overview

Reliable performance is important in order to encourage and maintain the usage of quality web-based services. Our aim is to have the Lichfield District Council website available for use at all times throughout the year.

This is not always possible due to essential maintenance, but we are committed to keeping our site available and online as consistently as we can.

Statistics overview
Month Pages viewed Unique visitors
June 2605295 70145
May 2635799 79912
April 2374869 74202
March 2572509 82143
February 2245653 75622
January 4403895 82554
December 2451945 75593
November 2219309 70087
October 2255516 62511
September 2109211 56506
August 2336392 57612
July 2492577 62887

Statistics explained

Pages viewed: This figure represents the total number of pages requested from the website. If a visitor visits a page more than once during the same session or in the relevant period, it is re-counted.

Unique visitors: This figure represents the number of unique visitors during the relevant period. This means that any visitor who has already been to the site during this period is not counted again.