How to bid on a property and what to expect

You need to be registered before you can bid on properties.

If you are not already registered, find out if you are eligible and how to register.

Once registered, you can visit our Jigsaw system to search for a home - you will need to login to see property listings and bid.

Can I save a search?

Yes,you can save a search and be notified every 24 hours when an advert is added that meets your requirements.

Before you bid

It is vital, before you place a bid, that you make sure would be happy to live in the property if your bid is successful.

As such, we recommend you research things like distance to schools, local facilities, bus routes, travel time to work, local activities and more - to make sure you will be happy to move into the home you bid on.

If you are not in a homeless situation - for example you have a home, but are on the housing register because your house is too small - you will be able to put bids on, and then refuse a maximum of two properties. If you do not accept the third property you are offered (including failing to respond to an invitation to view), we will close your housing register application and you will need to find your own accommdation. 

If you are in a homeless situation (living in B&B or temporary accommodation, for example), you will be required to move into a property if your bid is successful. If you do not, and the offer of accommodation is suitable to your needs, we will end our duty to provide you with emergency/temporary accommodation, and you will need to find your own place to stay. If you have been accepted onto the housing register, you will still be able to bid, but your banding may be lowered because you will no longer be in the emergency band. 

If is possible to accept the property and request a review (speak to your case officer about this) and to move in and live in the property for at least a year and apply to join HomeSwapper.

Why is my housing officer bidding for me?

If you are in a homeless situation (living in B&B or temporary accommodation, for example), it is vital that you place bids on as many appropriate properties as possible, so that you can move into a more permanent home. Whilst we understand you may want to wait for a property that meets all of your wants and needs to come up on the register before bidding, unfortunately living in temporary accommodation or a B&B is not sustainable or good for anyone's wellbeing, we do ask that you bid on properties that meet your needs.

If you don't bid, your case officer will contact you and encourage you to bid. If you do not place any bids, we may place bids on your behalf - this is called assisted bidding.

If you are successful on a home that doesn't meet all your wants (for example perhaps you've been successful on a flat with the right number of bedrooms for your family and is affordable, but you'd like a house with a garden), we would always encourage you to move into the property that you have een offered.

If you do not, and the offer of accommodation is suitable to your needs, we will end our duty to provide you with emergency/temporary accommodation, and you will need to find your own place to stay. If you have been accepted onto the housing register, you will still be able to bid, but your banding may be lowered because you will no longer be in the emergency band.  

If is possible to accept the property and request a review (speak to your case officer about this) and to move in and live in the property for at least a year and apply to join HomeSwapper.

What happens once I've bid for a property?

We do not own any social housing stock in Lichfield District. 

As such, it is down to individual housing associations to work through submitted bids once an advert has closed.  

If you are sucessful for a property the housing association that manages the property will contact you directly. 

When and how will I find out if my bid is successful?

We can't provide a definitive timescale for the processing of bids as the timescales vary depending on each individual housing association.

Your My Bids section of Jigsaw system will be updated to:

  • offer made if you have been sucessful.
  • bypassed if the property is offered to another applicant
  • unsucessful if the property has been allocated to another applicant

Why does my position on shortlists vary?

Evreyone registered on the Jigsaw system chooses which properties they bid on.  

This means that not everyone in your bedroom need will bid on the same properties as you.  

If you come lower on a shortlist than previously, it is likely other applicants that previously came above you did not bid on the properties you came higher on the shortlists for.

Once you are the applicant in the highest priority band, with the earliest band effective date you will place top of the shortlist.

How are shortlist ordered?

Priority will be given to applicants requiring wheelchair access (for level access properties), priority band, and length of time in the priority band.  

Once you are the applicant in the highest priority band, with the earliest band effective date you will place top of the shortlist.

How long will it take me to find a new home?

Every year we put together an overview of how long it takes people to find a new home through the register, depending on bedroom need and priority need - find out more.