Businesses urged to check their business rates to ensure they are claiming the right support
We are encouraging local businesses and non-profit making organisations to check their business rates (NNDR) bills to ensure they are claiming all the relief they are entitled to.
Southern and mid Staffordshire councils write to Minister of State with joint plan for Local Government Reorganisation
A group of local authorities in southern and mid Staffordshire has today written to the Minister of State responsible for English Devolution with an interim plan for local government reorganisation.
Councillors approve ‘Southern Staffordshire’ unitary proposal
An initial proposal to create a new Southern Staffordshire unitary authority has been backed by full council this evening (18 March 2025).
Our Streetscene staff litter pick on A38 during overnight road closures
Members of our Streetscene staff have filled hundreds of bags with rubbish collected during overnight litter picks on the A38.
Have your say on community safety in Lichfield District
We, together with the district’s Community Safety Partnership, are asking residents to share their views on community safety to help create a community-led strategy dedicated to making the district a safer and more connected place for all.
Appeal for relatives of Lichfield’s fallen war heroes to come forward in street naming initiative
We are attempting to trace the relatives of 20 fallen World War heroes following a proposal that streets on a new housing development be named after them.
We are considering ‘Southern Staffordshire' unitary in local government reorganisation
We are considering a ‘Southern Staffordshire’ unitary proposal consisting of up to six of the current Staffordshire districts.
Opportunity to give your views on how we will consult over planning
We would like to hear your views on how we intend to involve and engage with local communities, businesses and other interested parties in the preparation of planning policy documents and in determining planning applications.
Leisure centre contractor engages and inspires students through special design project
Our continued commitment to securing social value from our supplier contracts, has seen the builder of the city’s new leisure centre inspire Burntwood students through a special design project.
Have your say on Lichfield mural
We are inviting residents, communities and businesses to take part in shaping an exciting new public mural coming to Lichfield City Centre.