Dog fouling is unsightly, unpleasant and can be hazardous to heatlh. We believe people should clear up after their dog and we will take enforcement action against the minority of dog owners who do not do this.
We are responsible for making sure public areas such as parks, playgrounds and pavements are clear of dog mess. We patrol local streets that have been highlighted as dog fouling hot spots to catch and fine anyone seen not clearing up after their dog – the fines can be up to £100.
If dog fouling is a particular issue in your area, please report it so we can direct our officers to that area. As well as extra patrols in an area, we can also take action such as increased signage reminding dog owners of their responsibilities.
Report dog fouling on district council owned land or adopted highways
Where the dog fouling is on council owned land or the highways we will send a crew to clear it up as soon as possible. If the dog fouling is on private land, please contact the landowner.