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My Account
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Business support
Business rates
Carbon reduction
Car parking
Council tax and support
Community support and safety
Conservation and heritage advice
Cost of living and wellbeing support
Environmental health
Food safety and ratings
Housing advice
Homelessness advice
Leisure, sports and fitness
Licensing, permits and events
Parks and countryside
Planning and building control
Recycling, bins and waste
Roads, highways and pavements
Street cleansing, litter & graffiti
Trees, hedges and woodland
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Donate to Street Aid to help homeless people stay off the streets
Please give your views on our community safety strategy
We are currently improving our planning service.
Planning and building control
Planning for developers
Planning for developers
Key tasks
Planning enquiry tool
Talk to us about a major development
Apply for planning permission
Planning policy and the local plan
Supplementary planning documents
Biodiversity net gain
Design codes
Planning obligations (S106, CIL and SACs)
Listed buildings advice
Building control services
Planning decision notice copies
More on planning for developers and business
Request a planning history search
Trees, hedges and woodlands
Landscaping & trees on new developments
Special areas of conservation (Reg 77)
Heritage and urban design
Environmental impact assessments
HS2 and Lichfield District
Land charges
Planning application validation guidance notes
See all services