Community infrastructure levy (CIL)
The community infrastructure levy (CIL), is a planning obligation that helps local councils to deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
CIL is a standard, non-negotiable charge applicable to any development that involves either a net increase of 100 square metres of floor space, or the creation of one or more dwellings.
For information on our CIL process, please find our more on our CIL process webpage.
For CIL enquiries, please contact the CIL team.
CIL funding
Collected CIL monies are split into strategic CIL funds, CIL parish/town council funds, Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) funds, and CIL administration funds.
Parish/town councils receive a percentage of CIL collected in their area of either 15% if there is no neighbourhood plan, or 25% if there is an adopted neighbourhood plan. This money can then be spent by the parish council on infrastructure projects, and is referred to as ‘neighbourhood CIL’. For information on CIL parish/town council funds, please contact the relevant parish council.
The strategic CIL fund is the remainder of the collected CIL monies that can be used for strategic infrastructure in the district. Groups and organisations looking to deliver infrastructure projects within the district can bid for strategic CIL funding to help pay for the project.
CIL administration funds require 5% of CIL monies received be retained for administrative fees.
CIL reporting
Any local authority that has received developer contributions, which includes CIL, is required to publish an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement. Please see our infrastructure funding statement webpage for more details.
Parish/town councils who receive CIL funds are required to prepare an annual financial report, recording information about the CIL funds received for the monitoring year. The data from these reports can be found in our parish/town council neighbourhood CIL report.