We are aware of resident concerns about the Strawberry Fields site near Burntwood.

We have been in continuous discussion with the owners of Strawberry Fields and in 2023 the owners submitted a comprehensive planning application to the council

This application was rigorously evaluated by our planning team, with a particular focus on the potential impacts on the green belt, local residents, and highways.

Ultimately, the application was refused on these grounds, and an enforcement notice was issued to the owners.

The owners of Strawberry Fields have appealed the enforcement notice.

This appeal has been forwarded to the independent planning inspectorate for review, which has been accepting comments from the public since 22 February 2024.

The deadline to make a comment (known as a representation) to the planning inspectorate is 21 March 2024. If you would like make a representation, you can do so through the planning inspectorate's online portal - just enter 3335214 into the 'search for a case' box, and then click on 'make a representation'. 

You can also submit your comments in writing to, quoting the appeal reference number to:

The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN

You can also contact the planning inspectorate customer support team by emailing enquiries@planninginspectorate.gov.uk or calling: 0303 444 5000.

The appeal reference is: APP/K3415/C/23/3335214