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Cost of living and wellbeing support
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Leisure, sports and fitness
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Planning and building control
Recycling, bins and waste
Roads, highways and pavements
Street cleansing, litter & graffiti
Trees, hedges and woodland
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Vehicle seized for fly-tipping offence
Please give your views on our community safety strategy
Recycling, bins and waste
Recycle for good
Recycle for good
Welcome to our recycle for good campaign
Let's come together and make recycling a habit - for our homes, our communities, and our planet.
Join us and recycle for good
Recycle rush game
Bin guide and instructions
Sign up for garden waste collections
Order an additional blue bin or bag
A - Z of local recycling points
Ideas for repurposing
Home composting
Find your bin day
Recycling dashboard
What plastic symbols mean
Download our schools educational packs
Find out more
What happens to your waste and recycling