What happens to your waste and recycling?

Blue bin recycling

Our recycling goes to Biffa in Aldridge, where it is then sent on to further locations for sorting and processing.

Tins and cans

Food tins are melted down to make new steel items: car parts, fridges, or even parts of bridges!

Drinks cans are crushed, melted and made into ingots and sent to can makers. New drinks cans are in the shops again in only six weeks.

Glass bottles and jars

Glass bottles and jars are washed, crushed, melted and moulded into new glass bottles.

Some recycled glass is ground down and used to make roads.


Plastic bottles are cut into flakes, washed, dried and made into new products, such as signposts, garden furniture and wheelie bins!

Paper and card

Paper is sent to a paper mill, pulped down and turned into new paper. Your newspaper could be back on the news-stand in as little as two weeks.

Cardboard is flattened and folded and recycled to make new packaging, such as cereal boxes and washing powder boxes.

Recycle paper and card today:

  • It uses less energy and water than producing it from new.
  • Paper and card breaks down slowly in landfill sites and produces harmful methane gas.
  • To produce paper, trees are felled and valuable wildlife habitats are lost.