Section 19 - Noise management
In this section, detail the elements of your event that could have adverse noise impacts, such as amplified or live music, generators, fairground rides, crowds of people and fireworks. Then consider who could be affected by the noise e.g. nearby residential properties.
Most events are occasional, but when events happen regularly at the same time or same location, noise can become annoying to local residents. Environmental health can take action to deal with problems like this.
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA 1990) does not specify decibel levels at which a statutory nuisance will occur. However, noise conditions, including specified noise limits may be imposed as part of your premise licence in line with recognised industry standards. We consider a range of factors when deciding whether noise conditions are necessary or whether the noise from your event is or is likely to cause a statutory nuisance, such as the type of noise, time of day, duration of the noise and proximity to sensitive receptors, etc. Noise measurements may be taken by environmental health during your event to determine breaches of noise limits set as part of your licence conditions or in determining a statutory nuisance where noise conditions are not specified and/or complaints from the public are received.
Lichfield District Council has the power to serve a noise abatement notice under the EPA 1990 to control noise if authorised officers are satisfied that a noise nuisance occurs or is likely to recur. Legal action could also be taken against you under the Licensing Act 2003, if, where relevant, breaches of noise conditions in your licence are identified. Whether a nuisance occurs or you breach your licence conditions, you may jeopardise your chances of holding similar events in the future.
This is why you should outline how you will arrange the layout of the event to minimise noise disturbance. For example, locating noise sources away from nearby residents. Where this is not possible and noise levels are likely to be high you must be able to agree a measurable sound level that should not be exceeded which is likely to be set as a condition within your licence. Speaker technology and noise limiters are available which enables customers at events to enjoy music whilst not affecting residents to an undue degree. For advice, email
If you share your event management plan with the SAG, the team may comment on the arrangements you have in place to prevent noise disturbance.
Where possible, we would recommend that you liaise with local residents about your event plans in advance so they have warning to any noise that may occur. This will help reduce the risk of complaints. You could also provide local residents with a point of contact for the event, which they can use to make a noise complaint, so corrective actions can be taken promptly.