What is and is not included?

Data we publish

Field Name  Description
Publisher URI This is a link to our data on the government's data website.
Publisher label Lichfield District Council.
Date  The date the invoice was entered onto the system.
Transaction number  A unique number allocated for each transaction.
Amount  This is the value of the invoice, excluding VAT, charged to each expense area and expenditure type. Because invoices can be charged to more than one cost code, individual amounts on the report may be for less than £500.
Supplier name   The name of the supplier recorded on the council's financial system.
Supplier ID  A unique system generated number for each supplier. 
Expense area   The name of the cost centre to which the invoice has been charged. Our coding structure reflects the organisation of the council.
Expense type The internal account code which represents the expenses type
Expense code The description of the type of expenditure, e.g. consultancy, stationery.
Extended description  Specific type of activity separately identified.

Data we don't publish

While all transactions will be published, certain pieces of personal information within those transactions are removed and replaced with general terms, to provide protection under the Data Protection Act.

Examples include the names of:

  • children
  • vulnerable adults
  • recipients of housing benefits
  • recipients of compensation payments
  • recipients of severance payments
  • payments to individuals