We send out invoices for the following services:
- Building control inspections
- Housing benefit over-payments
- Use of council leisure facilities
- Trade refuse and cesspool contracts
- Pest control and other environmental health services
- Leases of council property
- Paying a sundry debtors invoice
You can pay invoices online, over the phone, or by post:
Online: Visit our online payments system.
By phone: Please call the team on 01543 308900 and have your credit and debit card details handy, as well as your Invoice or Sundry Debtors reference number
By post: Send a cheque, money order or postal order made out to 'Lichfield District Council' to: Cashiers Section, Lichfield District Council, Frog Lane, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS13 6YX
Please note: Post-dated cheques will not be accepted.
A receipt will only be issued if specifically requested and if you have included a stamped addressed envelope. If you pay by cheque, and do not want a receipt, you will need to write your name, address and reference number on the back of your cheque.