Only use this form if you own/run a food business. We are unable to process requests if you do not own/operate the food business in question. 

Form options

As part of this form you will have the option to select one of the following:

Food business rating appeal

If you own/run a food business in Lichfield District that was inspected recently, and you wish to appeal the rating.

Your business food hygiene rating will not be published while your appeal is being considered.

You have 21 days from the inspection date to submit your intention to appeal.

Food business re-rating request

If you own/run a food business in Lichfield District which is rated 0-4 and you wish to improve your rating.

The cost of each re-rating inspection is £200.

Food business right to reply

If you own/run a food business in Lichfield District which was recently inspected with an unsatisfactory food hygiene rating and you wish to tell your customers what you have done to rectify issues found at the inspection.


Information on how we use your data will be highlighted during the form process and more detailed privacy notices are available.