You will need to a premises licence if you want to:

  • sell alcohol (on or off licence),
  • provide regulated entertainment such as films or plays
  • provide late night refreshment (i.e, sell hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am) or
  • run an event with licensable activity that can not be covered by a TEN 

There are some exceptions to this for members clubs and certain community premises.

For more information download the licensing act government guidance or read our licensing policy.

Alcohol licensing (from 1 April 2025) 

The Government has confirmed that the off-sales easement (in response to COVID-19) will lapse on the 31 March and the Licensing Act 2003 will revert to the pre-covid position when the measure expires.

Any on-sales only premises licence holder who took advantage of the easement and who wishes to continue to do off-sales will need to apply for a variation to their licence in advance of the easement lapsing at the end of March this year.

We have been advised that, in order to support businesses, we can treat applications for amendments as a minor variation to the licence. This process is quicker and cheaper than a full variation and does not require a local newspaper advertisement. There is a one-off cost of £89 for a minor variation. If you are unsure whether this change affects your licence, please contact the licensing team