Community safety partnership

Our campaigns

Knife Angel with Flowers

In order to achieve the outcomes in our delivery plan the partnership runs specific campaigns and events in order to have maximum impact and reach in our communities.

Anti-violence and knife angel campaign

The Knife Angel came to Lichfield in July of 2023, with the main message being to reduce knife crime, raise awareness and provide advice and support.

This campaign covered many of the delivery plan priorities including serious violence, county lines, and crime prevention.

Download the Knife Angel report here


Knife bin blc

Community safety events

Throughout the year the Community Safety Partnership runs community safety events in order to provide advice and support to members of the community reagrding crime prevention and keeping yourself safe.

There are several dates during Summer 2024 across the District to which the public are encouraged to attend and get to know the members of the partnership.

Summer 2024 Event Dates