Evidence checklist

To claim council tax support you will need to provide scans, photos or photocopies of a range of evidence, including:
- Two forms of identity, such as passport and driving licence (for you and your partner – if applicable)*
- Documents showing your national insurance number, such as a payslip, P60 or benefits letter (for you and your partner – if applicable)*.
- Evidence of child benefit you receive for your children, such as a bank statement or award letter.
- Birth certificate for any child under the age of 5.
- Evidence of income for any non-dependant person(s) living with you
- Student certificate (available from your education provider) and evidence of any student bursary, grant or loan.
- Payslips for any paid employment.
- Accounts for any self-employment that shows a summary of your income and expenditure.
- Details of any other income you receive.
- Details of child care costs – such as invoice or a letter from your childcare provider.
- Evidence of all capital (held by you and your partner – if applicable) – such as bank statements.
- A screen shot of your Universal Credit award showing the total amount you receive and any deductions being taken and any earnings being taken into account. If you have applied for a back dated period, we will need screen shots of your award for the whole period that covers your back dating request
*You do not have to provide evidence of you/your partner’s national insurance number and two forms of identity if you have provided it to us as part of a previous claim, or if you receive one of the following benefits:
- Income support
- Income-related employment support allowance
- Income-based jobseekers allowance
- Pension credit
- Universal credit
You do not need to send us evidence of the following benefits, as we are able to verify these with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP):
- Attendance allowance
- Bereavement benefit
- Disability living allowance
- Employment support allowance
- Income support
- Jobseekers allowance
- Maternity allowance
- Pension credit
- Personal independence payments
- State retirement pension
- Tax credits (unless you receive child tax credit for 3 children or more)