Sign up for an online account and e-bill - step-by-step guide

To sign up for an online council tax account and e-bill, follow these steps:

1. Click on the MyAccount link - you can find this in the header of this website:
My account header
2. Choose Register to set up an account:
Login or register
3. Enter your email address and click next:
Create an account
4. You will then be shown the below screen that will confirm an email has been sent to your email account.
Login screen for my account page
5. Click on the link in the email you recieve to confirm your address. The email is sent from If you don't recieve one in a few minutes, check your spam/junk folder. If you still don't have one, press the Resend email button.
Confimation email
6. You will then be taken to a new page, where you can enter your name etc, and set up a password for your MyAccount:
Set up account
7. Once you have set your account up successfully, you will be able to sign-in:
Sign in
8. Enter your email address and password you set up:
Sign in details
9. You will then be in your MyAccount. Scroll down to the Council tax and business rates section and click Register/view my council tax account
Login or register
10. You will then see this section, Click Allow. This will allow us to add your council tax and benefits details to your MyAccount
11. You will then be taken to this page - click on the Register/View my council tax account in the top right hand corner of the screen. 
Citizen access log in
12. You will then be asked to enter your first name, last name and council tax account number - these are shown on your council tax bill
Register account

13. You will then be asked to give at least two pieces of information that match information we hold on your account - for example your postcode, the last three digits of the telephone number we hold for you, or the last three digiits of your bank account number.

You can also provide your online reference which will be shown on the bottom of your bill and is in this format: LLLLNLLLLN (L = letter, N - Number) - for example FRQD7GTOW

Security questions
14. Click next and you will be taken to the register page. Please read the terms and conditions and agree to them before clicking submit.
Terms and conditions
15. Your registration will now be complete. Click on finish
16. You should then be taken to your online council tax account:
Council tax account
17. Click on View your bills and recovery notices to see your e-bill
Your account

Key information

  • If you cannot use the password reset function in MyAccount, please contact our customer services team for support
  • If you have already linked an email address to a council tax account, but can't log in using that email/can't remember the email you use, you cannot set up another MyAccount and link it to the same council tax account. A council tax account can only be assigned to one email address. If you need support in this regards, please contact our customer services team


Ranger Ted joined families for the fun day.

2.59% district increase for 2025 - 2026

We keep 9% of what you pay to deliver local services, including bin collections, parks, planning, benefits, regeneration, housing and homelessness, environmental health and more. This year an average household will pay £3.80 a week towards our services.

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Apply for council tax support today

Could you be eligible for council tax support?

If you are on a low income, local council tax support could help you to pay your council tax bill - you do not have to be unemployed, or unable to work to be eligible.

Find out more