This consultation is now closed

Start date: 18 January 2018

Closing date: 18 January 2018

Areas Affected

  • Lichfield District wide

As part of the review of the Lichfield Local Plan, a SA/SEA Scoping Report has been prepared in line with the SEA Regulations. The aim of the document is to establish a baseline of data and set the context and objectives to ensure the Local Plan contributes to the aims of sustainable development. We have issued this to the statutory consultees for this process (Natural England, Historic England and Environment Agency).

The consultation will run from 18 December 2017 until 22 January 2018.

Supporting information and documents are available on our main sustainability appraisal page.

Any comments should be emailed to or sent in writing to:

Ashley Baldwin, Spatial Policy and Delivery Manger, Economic Growth, Lichfield District Council, Frog Lane, Lichfield WS13 6YZ

Please note that copies of all comments received will be made available for the public to view, including your name and therefore cannot be treated as confidential. For more information on data protection please see the privacy notice.