Draft Local Plan Allocations Consultation (Regulation 19 Consultation)

This consultation is now closed

Start date: 23 March 2017

Closing date: 12 May 2017

Areas Affected

  • Lichfield District wide

Lichfield District Council is seeking views on its Local Plan Allocations document.

This is the second part of the Lichfield Local Plan and will add detail to the first part of the Local Plan which is the Local Plan Strategy which was adopted in February 2015.

The Local Plan Allocations covers a range of issues, from housing and employment land allocations through to reviewing planning policies used to determine planning applications.

The Local Plan Allocations document and supporting information is available via the links below.

The consultation will run from 20 March to 12 May 2017, and as part of this we're running small exhibitions in Lichfield and Burntwood libraries and a series of events across the District.

The  deadline for comment is by 5pm on Friday 12 May 2017. Please note: late responses will not be accepted.