District design code

This consultation is now closed

Start date: 19 April 2024

Closing date: 3 June 2024

Areas Affected

  • Lichfield District wide

We have been working with BDP, leading design code consultants, since January 2023 to produce a local design code.

Our draft design code reflects the varied settings of our district and when approved will guide the aesthetics of new developments without enforcing a specific architectural style. 

Our design code aims to set clear guidelines for future building projects, covering aspects such as building height, environmental considerations, and the preservation of our heritage. It encourages thoughtful, high-quality designs that complement our diverse district - from city centres to villages.

Your input has been invaluable throughout the process and we are grateful for everyone's input so far through community workshops, webinars, and previous consultations.

As we come to the end of our consultation period for our new district design code supplementary planning document (known as an SPD), we are asking residents and businesses to give us their final comments.

This is a crucial opportunity to influence future development guidelines concerning building aesthetics, environmental sustainability, and heritage conservation, so please do get involved and give us your views.

All your feedback will be publicly available and cannot be treated as confidential. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. View our privacy notice  for more details.

Find out more.

Contact Details

Policy and strategy team - email developmentplans@lichfielddc.gov.uk