Start date: 23 August 2024

Closing date: 1 October 2024

Areas Affected

  • Lichfield District wide

Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles (taxis) can be considered a high-risk environment so our policy aims to protect the public whilst ensuring that the sector remains sustainable, competitive and viable.

The current policy was approved in April 2022 but there are several areas which need updating in response to the publication of revised statutory guidance and best practice.

This presents an opportunity to make considerable policy improvements to the regulation of taxis locally that will benefit the public, licence holders and the Council.  

Key changes

The revised taxi policy includes a number of changes based on current best practice and in response to feedback from existing licence holders.

The key changes are:

  • Layout – the policy is considerable shorter than the current policy making it more accessible and simpler to use. The details of processes, procedures and conditions are included in appendices with the intention that these appendices could be amended separately if needed, without the need to review and consult on the whole policy.
  • Application process – drivers will be required to have all of the items needed for an application before they can complete an online form. This will help to speed up the application process, reducing the time taken from application to granting of a licence.
  • Out of area drivers – the revised policy introduces a requirement for operators to inform customers when their journey will be allocated to a driver and/or vehicle licensed by another authority
  • Age of vehicles – in recognition that vehicles are now road worthy and can be maintained to a high standard for longer periods of time the revised policy proposes to amend the age requirements for vehicles. There will also be no age limit on a hybrid or electric vehicles as long as they can pass a compliance test.
  • Enforcement – the revised policy removes the penalty point system and includes a proposed scheme of suspensions for drivers and/or vehicles where breaches of conditions are discovered.


We would value your feedback on the proposed changes to the policy. To give feedback on the revised taxi policy please complete our feedback form

If you would like to have your say, please complete the form by 5pm on 1 October 2024.

Download the taxi policy 2024

Contact Details

You can contact the licensing team about this consultation on