This consultation is now closed
Areas Affected
- Lichfield District wide
Why are we consulting?
We have received an application from Aspire Memoria Ltd. for an environmental permit for a crematoria process at their premises at Chase & District Memorial Park, Burntwood Way, Burntwood, Staffordshire
WS7 3PH in accordance with the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016. The proposed process is for the cremation of human remains.
We are required to consult the public on the application in accordance with the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 and the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016.
If the application for a permit is approved, the process will be subject to a number of detailed conditions as set out in the statutory guidance and which are designed to control emissions to the atmosphere from the site.
Who are we consulting?
Members of the public.
Who should I contact?
Jack Twomey, Environmental Protection & Housing Manager (preferred)
01543 308734