Noise complaints

What you can do

We recommend you contact the noisemaker before making a complaint. A neighbour may not even realise they are causing you a problem and letting them know may resolve the problem more quickly and lead to a better long term solution.

If you are comfortable to do so you could speak to them or send them a note. There is more information here on how to resolve a dispute yourself or you can use our template to help you draft a letter.  

If the property is rented you should also contact the landlord. This may be a housing assocation or a private landlord. 

These are the details of housing associations in Lichfield District:

What can I do to control my noise?

Everyone must expect some noise from their neighbours but you might want to consider these simple measures to reduce any noise nuisance:

  • If you are planning on having a party, let your neighbours know and try to keep noise to a minimum especially late at night. 
  • Keep your TV, radio and music low especially late at night. If you have your TV on step outside the room and see how loud it is. 
  • Don't do noisy DIY or gardening jobs early in the morning or late at night. 
  • If you are leaving a dog home alone consider leaving a radio or TV on low volume so they can hear a human voice. Make sure the dog has been fed and exercised before you go out and leave them plenty of water. If you are going to be away for long periods consider asking someone to check on the dog and take it for a walk. 
  • If you have a house or smoke alarm make sure they are serviced and the noise cuts out after a period of time.