Review and appeals

If you have applied as homeless and are not happy with the decisions we have made, you can ask for a review.

To request a review, please write to us within 21 days of receiving the notice of decision on your first application. 

The housing team, Lichfield District Council, District Council House, Frog Lane, Lichfield, WS13 6YY

What is a review?

A review will mean your case decision will be looked at by an independent panel of officers who had no involvement in our original decision.

As part of the review you will be sent some forms to complete to let us know why you are requesting the review.

You can also provide new information to be considered, either in person or in writing. 

If you do not want to add any new information, the review will be based on the information you have already provided.

You can ask someone to represent you as part of the review.

How long does a review take?

A review takes up to 56 days, and you will receive a letter telling you the decision of the review, and why the decision has been made.

How to appeal

Following the outcome of your review, if you are still not happy, you can appeal to the county court or the Housing Ombudsman