Body Worn Video Policy

Data access

Where a person requests access to the data, the officer should inform the person that:

  • Any non-evidential data is retained for 31 days only.
  • The data is protectively marked as Official-Sensitive and unless permitted by law it cannot be disclosed to third parties without the subject’s permission.
  • Requests can be made via or in writing for a copy of the data via a subject access request in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Further information is available from LDC’s data protection officer via email at


BWV may be activated inside dwellings where there is a legitimate purpose for doing so including those reasons listed in section 6 operating body worn video above.

Uploading Data

The BWV device should be returned to the dock as soon as possible. Data is then automatically uploaded and saved to The officer shall then select an appropriate category, add a Uniform number as the ID and enter other details such as exhibit number, suspect names, and other relevant details. Any additional information entered can be used to search in the future making it easier to retrieve. Evidential data will be considered to be any data that is:

  • Evidence of an offence.
  • Supporting evidence for any legal process such as a prosecution or issuing an FPN.
  • Data that is required for a relevant and proportionate purpose such as evidence of offences dealt with by the police.
  • Data which should be revealed under The Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996.

Sharing data 

Officers may share data with other LDC officers within the Service and with LDC prosecutors in the course of their duties. Officers may also share data with any other law enforcement agency but shall only do so for a legitimate purpose in line with the rules of disclosure and principles of data protection. Where they exist, this will be done in accordance with established data sharing arrangements. Further guidance can be obtained from the LDC Information Manager.

Witness statements 

Officers may view any data prior to completing a witness statement and should incorporate a summary of the footage within their statement as appropriate.


A BWV administrator may view any data that has been uploaded, predominantly to ensure that data has been categorised correctly so that the appropriate retention periods are applied, and that details such as Uniform numbers are added. 

Managers within the Service will not routinely view BWV data for monitoring officer performance. However, there is strong evidence that BWV contributes to a reduction in complaints and subsequent disciplinary action, by providing a clear and impartial record of any interaction. This means that when a complaint arises the data can be used to quickly establish exactly what happened and provide a speedy resolution as part of the complaints process. This provides greater transparency and allows officers to show that they followed the correct procedure if their actions are challenged. BWV data may therefore be viewed by managers within the Service as part of an investigation into a concern or complaint. 

Officers are encouraged to review their own BWV data to reflect and develop. Teams within the Service may also wish to identify development opportunities that involves the use of BWV data. For example, this could include conducting an afteraction review or reflecting on actions taken during a major operation or case, with a view to identifying lessons which can then be shared with colleagues and used to improve individual, team and Service performance.The audit log attached to all data will identify whenever a person views the data, giving the date, time, length of viewing and officer details.

Deletion of data automatically deletes data in accordance with the following retention schedule:

  • Pending Review: until manually deleted
  • Uncategorised: 31 days
  • Training: 31 days
  • All others: 7 years

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DIPA) 

A separate DPIA has been completed and approved by LDC’s data protection officer.

Supporting Phone Applications

Officers may download the following applications to their work phone:

  • Axon View. This will allow officers to connect their BWV device to the app via Bluetooth so that they can live view and review data that has yet to be uploaded.
  • Axon Capture. This will allow officers to take images, videos and audio recordings from their phone and upload them direct to