Body Worn Video Policy

Roles and responsibilities

Managers at all levels are responsible for ensuring that officers comply with this procedure.

Officers shall:

  • Familiarise themselves with this policy and comply with it.
  • Ensure they have completed the mandatory training prior to utilising BWV and
  • Take responsibility for their decisions on whether to deploy BWV, and whether to activate it, within the framework of this policy. Officers may have to justify these decisions to managers, prosecutors, defendants or the courts.
  • Only activate BWV in an overt manner, wearing it in a clear and prominent position.
  • Not show or give access to data captured via BWV to unauthorised persons.
  • Not indiscriminately activate BWV for entire shifts, duties, or patrols.
  • Ensure BWV devices are kept secure.
  • Only use BWV devices provided by LDC and not tamper with the BWV device