Public events and street trading
Depending on the size of your event, it's likely you will need a TENs or a premises licence:
- You will need a TENs if your event will have no more than 499 people at any one time – including staff running the event and will last no more than 168 hours (7 days).
- You will need a premises licence if your event will have more than 500 people at all times – including staff running the event - and will last longer than 168 hours (7 days).
The only exception to this is if you are running an event in a premises which has an existing licence that covers your planned activities, and the licence holder is willing for you to use their licence to cover your event - speak to the premises licence holder to discuss this and the terms of their licence.
If you would like to trade on any streets in the district as part of your event, your street traders will need to apply for a street trading licence, even if the street is privately owned - find out how to apply for a special event street trading licence.
If you are a street-based event organiser, find out about how to apply for special event status.
If you want to hold a private community based street party or fete, find out more.
Read our licensing policy to find out more.