Ranger Ted joined families for the fun day.
Children and adults enjoying the fun day in Beacon Park this week. They are pictured here with the parks mascot Ranger Ted.

There was much to enjoy for youngsters and the young-at-heart at a special summer fun day in Lichfield’s Beacon Park this week.

Our Parks Team organised a host of activities for the event on Wednesday including inflatables, a carousel, a barefoot walk and games including Panna Football and table tennis.

There were races in celebration of the Commonwealth Games with prizes, stalls and an appearance by the parks’ mascot Ranger Ted.

The event was supported by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, RNLI, Spud on the Corner, Bond’s Catering, Fantasia Hair and Faces, the Community Safety Partnership, Lichfield District Council Sports Development, C&S Harris Fun Fairs, MPFT Families and Wellbeing Service, singer Michael Bown and members of the Friends of Lichfield Historic Parks.

Ruth Piddington, Lichfield District Council’s Community and Education Officer said:

“The fun day was well-attended and enjoyed by many.

“A big thank you to all the organisations and businesses that supported the event including Lakeside Bistro for its kind donation of gift vouchers for prizes in the races.”

Published: 5 August 2022