Lichfield District Council is launching a new 12-month community campaign to raise awareness of the importance of recycling told through the powerful voices of residents from across the district.
Local government across the UK has contributed to the substantial reduction in the amount of waste going to land fill and many have driven ever-increasing volumes of high-quality recycling being sent to be processed. This helps the environment and reduces the cost of recycling low quality waste.
Lichfield District Council is passionate about increasing both the volume and quality of recycling and the campaign has been designed to amplify the voices of local residents of all ages as they share the reasons why they recycle plus any tips and ideas they have for repurposing, reusing and recycling waste in their own homes.
The team responsible for delivering the community campaign will be getting in touch with groups and individuals who are passionate about recycling in the coming weeks to ask for their thoughts and ideas and over the coming months they will be looking for more residents who are willing to share their reasons for recycling and any ideas to improve the quality of the stuff we sent to the tip.
Some residents and groups have already shared their thoughts and they will be included in the campaign in the next few weeks.
A website sharing recycling volumes and quality indicators will be launched soon so that anyone can see how we are doing as a district and how we compare to other similar sized authorities across the UK. The site will also give tips and ideas for recycling and be a resource for the whole community to use and support.
The campaign will run until March 2024 and if anyone would like to be involved they can email