As the delivery of Lichfield’s new leisure centre progresses, Lichfield District Council is holding drop-in sessions so that residents can learn more about the process.
The sessions are an opportunity to meet the project team, which includes officers from Lichfield District Council and Olympian-led design team ReCreation in person, provide feedback and ask any questions.
The first drop-in session will take place next Tuesday 8 August at the Guildhall in Bore Street, Lichfield, from 2pm to 8pm. There residents can see the design’s progress from initial concepts, see potential construction materials and how the site could look internally and externally. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Residents who would like to be kept updated and invited to subsequent events as they take place are asked to complete this short form.
Details will never be passed onto any other third party and respondents will only be communicated with about the Stychbrook Park development.
Lichfield District Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks and Major Projects, Andy Smith, said: “We know how important leisure centres are to residents and we are working to deliver a modern facility for the district.
“The drop-in sessions are being held so that residents can find out more about the design, meet the team and ask any questions they have, so please come along.
“We are here to listen, support and provide updates about progress of the new leisure centre.”
Any questions around the development can also be sent via email to StychbrookLC@lichfielddc.gov.uk