Council refuses taxi licence over sexual assault charges

A picture of Lichfield's District Council House.
Lichfield District Council's Licensing & Consents Appeals Committee considered this matter.

Lichfield District Council has refused to give a man a taxi driver licence after learning of the charges made against him.

On 18 December 2023 the Council’s Licensing & Consents Appeals Committee sat to consider the matter.  The committee heard that information provided by the Disclosure and Barring Service had shown that the applicant has been charged with two offences of sexual assault and is currently on crown court bail.  The councillors determined that the applicant was not a fit and proper person and refused to grant him a licence.

Following the hearing, Cabinet Member Cllr Alex Farrell said:

“Although the applicant is waiting to appear in the crown court and could therefore be innocent or guilty, both the police and the Crown Prosecution Service have determined that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute him for these offences. 

“The council’s ultimate responsibility is to protect the public, and taxi drivers routinely provide transport for vulnerable people and are therefore placed in a considerable position of trust.  We expect the highest standards from the drivers and vehicles that we license.”

Published: 22 January 2024