Farmer fined £2,000 for burning and burying waste

A photo of the smouldering waste found by environmental health officers on 8 November 2022.
The smouldering waste found by environmental health officers on 8 November 2022.

A farmer has been fined £2,000 for burning and burying waste on his land in Whittington following a prosecution by Lichfield District Council.

Cannock Magistrates Court heard that on 8 November 2022 an environmental health officer spotted black smoke rising from a large fire on farmland off Fisherwick Road owned by Frank Gray.

Unable to access the land, the officer returned the following day to find the fire still smouldering and discovered, within the remains, tractor tyres, a chemical drum, scaffold pole, gas meter box, wire fencing and cables. 

Further visits were made involving another environmental health officer who was already investigating an incident at the same site on 5 November 2022 when a member of the public was hit by a firework during an organised display.  During these visits they saw a crane lifting the remains of the fire into a trailer and then being taken to another field where it was dumped and buried close to a watercourse, crops, and livestock.

Mr Gray, aged 63 of The Green, appeared at Cannock Magistrates Court last Tuesday (6 February) where he admitted an offence under Section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. In addition to the £2,000 fine, he was ordered to pay the Council’s costs of £1,503.71, and a victim surcharge of £800.  

Following the hearing Cabinet member Councillor Alex Farrell said:

“Protecting Lichfield District’s environment is among the council’s highest priorities, and we will always seek to take action against those who harm it.

“We know that it is incredibly important to local people, and that they want to see action taken.  I hope this prosecution acts as a deterrent to anyone else thinking of causing pollution to the air, land or water in Lichfield District.” 


Published: 13 February 2024