Opportunity to give your views on district design code at consultation drop-ins

A photo of building plans.
Drop-ins focussing on the Lichfield District Design Code Supplementary Planning Document, are taking place in the district this month.

Residents can give their views on the design code for future building development in Lichfield District in person at a series of forthcoming drop-ins.

The Lichfield District Design Code Supplementary Planning Document will provide clear rules that developers must follow regarding building height, environment, conservation and heritage.

Developed with consultants BDP, the document highlights the various area types in the district; that of city centre, cathedral precinct, suburban, village, urban and employment and guides how proposed building development should look depending on the area type it is located in.

Residents’ views have been sought through community workshops, webinars, and consultation during the Design Code’s development. Now, in this period of formal consultation which runs until Monday 3 June, residents can review the document and give their views, face to face, to officers on:

  • Tuesday 21 May at District Council House Reception, Frog Lane, Lichfield – 1pm-5pm
  • Wednesday 22 May at Burntwood Leisure Centre, High Street, Chasetown – 3pm-6pm
  • Thursday 23 May at Armitage with Handsacre Village Hall, Shropshire Brook Road, Armitage – 6pm-7.30pm. This drop-in is partnered with the scheduled Meet The Leader event at the same venue.
  • Thursday 30 May at Longwood Pub, Deer Park Road, Fazeley – 3pm-6pm

Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Plan, Councillor Alex Farrell, said:

“The Design Code Supplementary Planning Document provides us with a blueprint for building development in the future across Lichfield District.

“We are, as always, keen to hear what residents think and as well as the opportunity to review the document, residents can comment directly to officers at a series of drop-ins across the district. 

“I hope people will come along and give their views on this document which will have a major influence on development throughout the area.”

The document is also available to view on the Lichfield District Council website  and on the planning policy consultation portal.  

Hard copies of the document and comment forms are available to view at Lichfield District Council’s reception in Frog Lane, at Burntwood Town Council, The Old Mining College, Queen Street, Burntwood, at Burntwood Leisure Centre, High Street, Burntwood and Friary Grange Leisure Centre, Eastern Avenue, Lichfield.

Comments on the document can also be submitted to Lichfield District Council through the planning policy consultation portal, by email to developmentplans@lichfielddc.gov.uk  or by post to Policy and Strategy, District Council House, Frog Lane, Lichfield, WS13 6YZ.

Published: 15 May 2024