What we can consider
Please give detailed reasons about why you support or oppose a proposal.
The type of material planning matters we can take into consideration include:
- How the application relates to the local plan, supplementary planning guidance, and national planning policies including the National Planning Policy Framework.
- Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions).
- Design, visual appearance, and materials.
- Layout and density of buildings.
- Loss of daylight or sunlight.
- Overshadowing/loss of outlook (but not loss of view).
- Overlooking/loss of privacy.
- Noise and disturbance from use.
- Smells.
- Light pollution.
- Highway safety issues.
- Traffic generation.
- Vehicular access.
- Adequacy of parking.
- Impact/loss of trees/hedgerows.
- Landscaping.
- Nature conservation and effect on protected species.
- Intrusion into the open countryside/green belt.
- Risk of flooding.
- Effect of listed buildings and conservation areas.
- Archaeology.
- Hazardous materials and ground contamination.
- Government circulars, orders and statutory instruments.
Read our privacy notice (planning).