Land charge searches and fees


The charges below are for all official searches received on or after the 1 April 2024

Residential searches Price ex VAT Price inc VAT
Full search (CON29R and LLC1) £135 £155
LLC1 only (Lichfield District Council only) £35 - VAT exempt /
CON29R only £100 £120
Non-residential searches Price ex VAT Price inc VAT
Full search (CON29R and LLC1) (Lichfield District Council only) £225 £262
LLC1 only (Lichfield District Council only) £40 - VAT exempt /
CON29R only £185 £222
Optional enquiries Price ex VAT Price inc VAT
Q4. Road proposals by Private Bodies £35 £42
Q5.  Public Paths or Byways £35 £42
Q6.  Advertisements £35 £42
Q7.  Completion Notices £35 £42
Q8.  Parks and Countryside £35 £42
Q9.  Pipelines £35 £42
Q10.  Houses in Multiple Occupation £35 £42
Q11.  Noise Abatement £35 £42
Q12.  Urban Development Areas £35 £42
Q13.  Enterprise Zones £35 £42
Q14.  Inner Urban Improvement Areas £35 £42
Q15. Simplified Planning Zones £35 £42
Q16. Land Maintenance Notices £35 £42
Q17. Mineral Consultation Areas £35 £42
Q18. Hazardous Substances Consents £35 £42
Q19.  Environmental and Pollution Notices £35 £42
Q20. Food Safety Notices £35 £42
Q21. Hedgerow Notices £35 £42
Q22. Common Land & Town or Village Green £35 £42
Additional Parcels £67.50 £81